“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”- Seneca

It’s been a very long time since I’ve posted anything here, and I feel quite bad about neglecting something I enjoy so much. I’ve had many drafts started, but ultimately scrapped them, telling myself that I would soon get back to posting regularly- all to no avail.

With the New Year approaching, for some of you it is already the new year, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to start over in a sense. To wipe the slate clean and start anew.

I’ve gotten so irritated and grown so wearing with writing my novel, that I’ve essentially put it down completely. I would get mad at it, leave it, and then come back to it again with a new attitude. But, sadly, that attitude faded quickly, and the whole grueling process began all over again. It was like a bad break-up.

I put up my writer’s reference books, barely used my computer for anything more than my job, and even stopped journaling for a while. I just got sick of writing altogether. My husband noticed that I had not been writing much, and he asked me why. When I told him my problems and how I’d just lost interest, he suggested not striving to finish a novel, but to try and write a series of short stories. Of course I hated to tell he that he was right, but he was. (Please don’t tell him- it will ruin his ego.)

So, per Dave’s opinion, I’ve decided to put my focus more towards writing short stories rather than an entire novel. I have a relitively short attention span and….

Like I was saying, I feel like putting my attention towards a series of short stories would help me to have more freedom, and to not feel so trapped within one story.

I’ve already began one “shortie”, as I like to call them, and I’m excited about finishing this project and posting it here for all of you to enjoy. At least, I hope you enjoy it. (No pressure.)

I hope everyone is doing well, and I appreciate all of the patience during my absence from writing. I promise to get back to things very soon, and to not disappoint.

“You may try and fail; and try again and fail again, but you are better someone who have not yet begun.” 
― Israelmore Ayivor

I hope everyone has a safe and amazing New Year!

– Newbie. 

Apple Updates, Writing Advice, and a lost lip balm.

If your an Apple user, or even if you aren’t, then you’ve probably heard about the brand new update that came out today. It’s everywhere- Twitter, Facebook, Instagram… and probably lots of other social networking sites that I’m unfamiliar with. I began the long and grueling process of updating my iPhone and iPad this afternoon, which, for the both of them took over an hour. My iPhone is a 4, so I’m assuming the older model is one reason it took so long. (I have major iPhone 5 envy.) After the long wait was over, I eagerly looked through both my devices and played around a bit with the new features; the look is different, and, in my opinion much more pleasing to the eye, but as far as performance, I’m not seeing much of a difference. I suppose it’s much better on the newer models.

I’m making more and more progress on my novel, which is being helped by the awesome advice I’ve received here on Newbie Fiction Writer. (Thanks again, guys!) I wanted to wait until it was most of the way finished before I published it here on the blog, but I’m eager to have you guys read it and tell me what you think. Perhaps I’ll post a chapter or two this weekend 😉

I’m visiting some family this Saturday whom I don’t get to see very often, therefore I am very excited about the trip. One of my amazing family members, the one whom I consider to be very talented, is going to read over the chapters I’ve written so far, and probably make some edits. Soon after that I’ll do some posting. I’m even more excited about this story because this is the first one I’ve really allowed myself to put any humor into. It is a murder mystery, but it has plenty of laughable moments involving the lead character, Lydia Malone. Oops… I’ve already said too much 🙂

Anywho, I’m heading to bed, seeing as it is almost midnight here. Have a great night, guys! And if you’re feeling like a little late night social networking, follow this guy, @QueenMcSteve

Night, all!

Advice Needed, Pronto!

Okay, guys, if you read my previous post about beginning work on my new writing project, then you saw how I am trying to add new exercises and such to improve my writing skills. I’ve heard that coming up with a certain number of words to write per day can seriously help, but I’m not sure exactly how to come up with that number. How much is too much, or not enough?

Also, I know that the number of pages per chapter can vary, but I’m stuck as to how many is the average.

Feedback/advice would be appreciated very much so! Please feel free to comment or email me at newbiefictionwriter@gmail.com with your suggestions!

Thanks so much 🙂

… The Girl Who Cried… Novel?

Wow, I’ve said this before, probably more than once, but I am TERRIBLE at being consistent! I simply cannot stress this enough. TERRIBLE! If my life depended on doing the same thing consistently for a week, you might as well go ahead and make the funeral arrangements. Even the things I enjoy, I end up completely pushing them to the side due to being busy, or getting distracted by something else.

Usually, when I begin thinking about how I should probably get back to whatever it was I’d been working on, I typically push it aside and think about something else to avoid feeling guilty. (Dumb, I know.)

What makes this even more sad is the fact that I haven’t really been all that busy, which is usually a somewhat acceptable excuse for dropping something for a certain amount of time. (I.E. This blog.) I feel like all of my readers react somewhat like the non-believers of the boy who cried, “Wolf!” when I publish a post about how I’ve been working on a new story. But, fear not! This time I truly am taking my writing seriously, and I’ve developed a time frame for each day that is specifically for writing, and writing only. See, I’m not very good at self-discipline. If I do not absolutely make myself complete a task by blocking out every other possible option, I simply will not get it done. I just get distracted much too easily.

I’ve also read that making yourself write (or type) a certain number of words per day will help to increase your writing ability quite a bit. Yet another exercise I plan on implementing into my daily routine.

All this to say, don’t give up on the Newbie Fiction Writer! I shall prevail! (Ok, maybe that’s a little dramatic, but I feel the situation calls for it.) 😉

Thanks for reading, Lovelies!

– Newbie.