Where oh, where has the time gone?

I’ve realized that I’m so behind on my quotes per day that I’m just going to pick-up here. Things have been insane around my household over the past few weeks- but everything is back to normal now and hopefully I can get back to my writing soon.

I’ve let a lot of things get in the way of writing, and because of all of the time lost I’ve lost a lot of the passion for my story as well. My hope is that making myself sit down and write for a minimum amount of time per day will ignite that fire to complete my story once again. I often think about the details of my story, but the thought of sitting down and making myself write seems mind-numbing. I think it’s because I feel that there are so many details to be taken down, and that it will take me such a long time to get them all down in order. Simply put: I’m overwhelmed. (That happens to me a lot.) The bottom line- I have to buckle-down and make myself get at least some details down and worry about getting them in-order at a later time.

Anyway, stay tuned for more quotes… and updates as my story progresses. Thanks, guys!

Nope, I didn’t die

Well, as you can see, I’m not dead. If you’re a regular here you might have found yourself wondering that due to my absence lately. I’ve been rather sick over the past week; I’ve been a diabetic since age 10, so when I contract really any kind of illness it typically takes twice as long for me to fully recover than you normal folks out there. I’m back on my game now, thank goodness. All I have to do now is catch-up on the Quote Of The Days… quotes of the day… however that should be said.

My husband and I have an upcoming wedding this weekend- I’m gaining a sister-in-law, so I’m quite excited. Dave, (my husband) who has no filter is currently writing his Best Man speech… hopefully he will let his amazingly talented, wonderful, exquisite wife proof-read it before he makes a toast in front of everyone at the rehearsal.

meme(Mazel you two- Good Things)

I know I’ve made several promises and have failed miserably to keep them- but when I get back in town early next week, I fully intend on making my first video for Newbie’s youtube channel. I’ll post a link here when it’s all done.

Welp, that’s about all I got for now. Stay tuned as I catch-up on those dangs quotes.