Feelings of Half-Heartedness & Bananas


I’ve been a bit down on myself lately. I have just been feeling rather half-hearted about nearly everything in my life. I love my life, I enjoy my life- I’ve just been feeling demur. I’m not depressed by any means, I just get into moods occasionally to where I just want peace- to simplify everything around me. I’m happy all the while, but I prefer to be in my home, surrounded by my husband and my pets, in an environment in which I have complete control. When I am in one of these “Turtle Moods” as I call them, (Being like a turtle that retracts his head into his little shell just to chill for a while.) I often over-analyze just about everything that pops into my head. I was working on the mess that is my first novel, and I began thinking of this- my blog. I started this blog to chronicle the making of my novel, to share short stories I’d written, and to gain advice and constructive criticism from those who have been writing for a very long time. I knew that I wanted to contribute a daily quote to my blog because that is something that I’ve always found interesting and fun to read. Everything else was supposed to be within the subject of writing.

I got a little discouraged when I started to realize that a lot of the content on this blog isn’t really about writing; it’s more about my personal experiences. That in itself is not a bad thing, but I thought, “Does this stuff really belong on a blog with a title that suggests it is all about writing?” But then as if to answer my own self, I thought, “Yes, the title suggests writing is the subject matter, but the content here is simply all of the things that live in my world.” If I were pinned-down to a blog only about writing, I would begin to see it as more of a chore than a fun hobby. If I had a blog that was only about my own thoughts, it would become boring and I would feel obligated to post about each thing that crossed my mind- in itself becoming yet another chore. I love not having to limit myself to one subject, and I hope that all the readers out there feel the same way. Don’t put yourself in a box; you’re bigger than that… and if there are not proper breathing holes, you’ll suffocate. *Rimshot*

All this to say, I’m very happy to be doing this blog, and I love nothing more (well, maybe a few things) than to see that I’ve gained a new follower, or received another “like”. This is my last post of the night, I promise. I’ll be hitting the hay as soon as I finish this banana. (Could you put that in a blog strictly about writing a novel? I don’t think so.) Night All!

A Semi-Personal Post

This weekend has been very busy for my husband & I. Unfortunately, his uncle passed away in the ladder-half of the week, and his funeral was set for Saturday. My husband’s family is spread throughout several states, so when everyone gets together, it’s usually a more-than-one-day-occasion. Even though it was a sad occasion, being able to see extended family was nice. I’ve taken today to recover from all the travel, and do a little cleaning at home since I haven’t been around much the past few days. Sadly, because of all the rushing around, I haven’t been doing much writing this weekend, but I plan on getting right back to it this week. My first plan is to finish the short story that was prompted by five items that were previously written on a cue card. (To read more about my Notecard post, click here.)

My plan for tonight is to sit down and spend a little time with my hubby, my dogs, and my cat. And then get some much needed rest… but we’ll see how closely I stick to that plan. (At least the resting part.)

Night, all!

– Newbie.