A Semi-Personal Post

This weekend has been very busy for my husband & I. Unfortunately, his uncle passed away in the ladder-half of the week, and his funeral was set for Saturday. My husband’s family is spread throughout several states, so when everyone gets together, it’s usually a more-than-one-day-occasion. Even though it was a sad occasion, being able to see extended family was nice. I’ve taken today to recover from all the travel, and do a little cleaning at home since I haven’t been around much the past few days. Sadly, because of all the rushing around, I haven’t been doing much writing this weekend, but I plan on getting right back to it this week. My first plan is to finish the short story that was prompted by five items that were previously written on a cue card. (To read more about my Notecard post, click here.)

My plan for tonight is to sit down and spend a little time with my hubby, my dogs, and my cat. And then get some much needed rest… but we’ll see how closely I stick to that plan. (At least the resting part.)

Night, all!

– Newbie.



Self-Challenge: I’m a Tough Judge

Good Morning, all! A few nights ago I had my husband write down random inanimate objects, five at a time, on notecards. I did not look at what was listed on each card, so it will be a surprise each time I turn one over. My plan is to take one card per day and write an impromptu short story that must include all five items listed on the card I chose at random. Judging by my husband’s way of thinking, I’m sure some of the items will end up working well within a funny story, other will probably be more serious.

The card I picked for today listed these objects:

A Paint Can

A Padlock

Gold Bricks

A Wooden Door

A Dog Collar

I’ve already got my story in mind. When I am done running my errands for the day, I’ll be hitting the laptop to post my short story. I’m looking forward to it, as I hope you are too! 😉

See you soon.

– Newbie.

Finish This Story… “An Officer’s Loyalty”


I love taking a topic and getting several different opinions on said topic. It’s so interesting to me to see how different people think, and to see how they interpret things differently. (Hey, that’s what makes the world such an interesting place.) So, I thought it would be fun to come up with a little challenge: I’ve come up with a plot, and I’m writing a short story around that plot, but what I’d like to see my subscribers do is to write their own short story surrounding the same plot. Within the next few days I’ll post my story. I’d love to see how all you guys take the same plot and come up with different aspects of the story!

Here’s your plot:

A Homicide Detective is put on the case of a vicious murder. But when he begins investigating, he discovers that his own brother is the prime suspect. Will the Detective stay loyal to his job, or his own flesh and blood?

Take this story and make it as long short, and detailed as you’d like. Make it completely your own. When you’ve completed the story, you can submit it as a comment, or email it to me at newbiefictionwriter@gmail.com along with your name (or alias) and I’ll submit it here.

I hope you guys will participate in this challenge with me. It is my hope that seeing different perspectives on the same story will help me in my journey to becoming a writer. Thanks!

– Newbie.

“A Man and His Pants” a short story inspired by emojis


emojiThis short, and rather unrealistic story was inspired by the Emojis above.

In order, these Emojis are a Man, Pants, the Devil, a Plug, an Alien, a Bowling Ball and Pins, and Spaghetti.

A man once lost his pants- his favorite pants. He was so desperate to find them that he made a deal with the devil. The devil told him that the only way to gain back his beloved pants was to electrocute himself. Skeptical, the man said, “But I’ll surely die!” And the devil said, “You will not die. I will send someone to save you.” So the man electrocuted himself. In a flash of light, a tall, green alien appeared. “Fear not, my friend. My name is Tim and I am here to save you.” So the man reluctantly took the alien’s hand, and away they went. Tim took the man to a nearby bowling alley, and they shared a game or two. The man finally came to his senses, and in a moment of frustration said to the alien, “Wait, you were supposed to take me to my favorite pants!” To which Tim replied, “Well, I don’t know where your pants are, but there is a marvelous new Italian joint just down the road and they serve the best spaghetti in the tri-county area.” The man gave the alien a puzzled look, but went with him anyway. Tim and the man then enjoyed the best dinner that the two of them had ever had, and they remained best friends for the remainder of their lives.


Writing Prompt for Today: “To sleep: perchance to dream…”

I found myself having some mighty strange dreams last night- one of them, perhaps the weirdest and most exciting one involved me in a speed boat with Sunny Crocket, having a shoot-out with a drug lord that I was hired to capture by the FBI.

(I’m usually the Hero in my dreams… I have issues… we’ve already determined that, k?)

Once I had become fully awake, I thought about the dreams I had, and I couldn’t help but laugh. I also wondered what other strange events would have taken place if I hadn’t woken up. This leads me to the whole reason for this post- the Prompt!

Have you ever had a dream that you couldn’t shake out of your head? Whether it was a nightmare, a happy dream, or even one similar to Sonny & I in that shoot-out? Take a dream that you remember vividly, and write a story around it. (The stranger, the better!) This will probably end up being a short story, but see how far it takes you. If you have a certain genre that you typically write, try stepping out of the box (or Stick out of the Box as my lovely friend says.) and use a dream that will take you to a genre that is out of the norm for you.

If you’d like, feel free to submit your short story to newbiefictionwriter@gmail.com and it’ll be published right here!