Poems: More than just rhymes


I’ve noticed lately that a lot of fellow bloggers have been posting beautiful poems, and it is my understanding that this month is Poetry Month, or something like that. I check posts from the bloggers I follow numerous times per day, and I’ve been greatly inspired by their beautiful words and ability to rhyme like nobody’s business… so, I thought I would sit down and give it a try myself. That was a bad idea.

After an hour and 20-30 sheets of ripped paper scattered on the floor, I decided that poetry was not for me. (Hey! I made a rhyme! Ironic, huh?) I chose a topic, wrote maybe two lines, and could simply go no further. I changed topics multiples times- still nothing. Even if I could find words to rhyme, ultimately they made no sense. Now, had this been my first attempt at poetry, I would have most certainly put forth more of an effort. (Probably like an extra 30 minutes or so.) But, sadly, I’ve tried on many different occasion to pen a flowing work of literary art, but each time failing more miserably than the last.

All this to say, keep on writing poems, because I really enjoy them. Just don’t expect one from me anytime soon.

Self-Challenge: I’m a Tough Judge

Good Morning, all! A few nights ago I had my husband write down random inanimate objects, five at a time, on notecards. I did not look at what was listed on each card, so it will be a surprise each time I turn one over. My plan is to take one card per day and write an impromptu short story that must include all five items listed on the card I chose at random. Judging by my husband’s way of thinking, I’m sure some of the items will end up working well within a funny story, other will probably be more serious.

The card I picked for today listed these objects:

A Paint Can

A Padlock

Gold Bricks

A Wooden Door

A Dog Collar

I’ve already got my story in mind. When I am done running my errands for the day, I’ll be hitting the laptop to post my short story. I’m looking forward to it, as I hope you are too! 😉

See you soon.

– Newbie.

Finish This Story… “An Officer’s Loyalty”


I love taking a topic and getting several different opinions on said topic. It’s so interesting to me to see how different people think, and to see how they interpret things differently. (Hey, that’s what makes the world such an interesting place.) So, I thought it would be fun to come up with a little challenge: I’ve come up with a plot, and I’m writing a short story around that plot, but what I’d like to see my subscribers do is to write their own short story surrounding the same plot. Within the next few days I’ll post my story. I’d love to see how all you guys take the same plot and come up with different aspects of the story!

Here’s your plot:

A Homicide Detective is put on the case of a vicious murder. But when he begins investigating, he discovers that his own brother is the prime suspect. Will the Detective stay loyal to his job, or his own flesh and blood?

Take this story and make it as long short, and detailed as you’d like. Make it completely your own. When you’ve completed the story, you can submit it as a comment, or email it to me at newbiefictionwriter@gmail.com along with your name (or alias) and I’ll submit it here.

I hope you guys will participate in this challenge with me. It is my hope that seeing different perspectives on the same story will help me in my journey to becoming a writer. Thanks!

– Newbie.