I Hear You Only Need Your Big Toe to Stand-Up without Falling Over

Well, my night was going quite well… My husband and I returned home from dinner, watched some TV, and decided to go to bed. I put on my pajamas as usual, and went into our bathroom to wash my face and WHAM! I felt an excruciating pain in my pinky toe. I realized that the shortest member of the Piggy family housed upon my feet had gotten caught, as it had many time before, on a wrought-iron statue of the Eiffel Tower that sits on the floor of our bedroom. I had snagged it so hard that the tower had fallen over on its side and slid partially across the room. I stood there in shock as my husband stared at me with a look that seemed to say, “I hope you’re okay, but that was really noisy. Can you keep it down?” I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but that one was a doozy. It’s still throbbing, but no bruising yet. I’ll check on it in the morning to see if it might possibly be broken. *Sign* Another joy of growing up? Health insurance and Medical Bills.

That is all.